Menú principal
- Spanish in Castilla y León
Reasons to choose Castilla y León
Education centres
Practical information
Culture in Spanish
Language and literature events
Spanish in Castilla y León
The Castilla y León regional Government website has been designed in order to provide easy access to all, regardless of age, disability or technological limitations.
In order to do so, the development of the website is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 1.0, established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Techniste, a company belonging to the ONCE Foundation, provided auditing features for the Website, in conformance with the Double A accessibility level requirements.
Some of the features implemented in the website enabling easier access to the contents are as follows:
In addition to this, several keyboard shortcuts have been created to access the main sections of the website. The different options that can be accessed through key combinations are:
To use the keyboard shortcuts in systems based on Microsoft Windows, the key combinations to be used are the Desktop Shortcut Key (n Internet Explorar 4.0, Netscape, Mozilla), ALT + Desktop Shortcut Key + INTRO (Internet Explorer 5 or above) and Shift + Esc to activate the desktop shortcut keys in Opera. In MacOS systems the combination to be used is CONTROL + Desktop Shortcut Key.