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Escudo de la Junta de Castilla y León; Página de inicio



Spanish in Castilla y León

Logotipo del Spanish in Castilla y León

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Where to stay

Both the Instituto Cervantes-accredited centres and the universities of Castilla y León offer various student accommodation options as a complementary service to their academic programmes. Due to the convenience of this possibility, the vast majority of students choose to sign up for both the course and accommodation with their education centre at the time of enrolment.

Each school draws up its own personalised offers, most of which include at least the following options:

  • In the home of a Spanish family
  • In a student residence
  • In a shared flat

Some centres also offer hotels and other accommodation alternatives, so if you have any preferences in this regard, it is advisable to obtain the information in advance and choose the option that best suits your needs or tastes.

If, for whatever reason, you prefer living arrangements other than those offered by the school, or if you would like to find lodging for a guest during your stay, the following links may be useful: